Online OIOUBL Dokumentation



Invoice specification

Name Invoice (Show as PDF) Alternative Term  
Definition The document used to request payment


UBL-Name Name Datatype Usage Cardinality
UBLVersionID UBLVersionID Identifier Yes 1
CustomizationID CustomizationID Identifier Yes 1
ProfileID ProfileID Identifier Yes 1
ID ID Identifier Yes 1
CopyIndicator CopyIndicator Indicator Yes 0..1
UUID UUID Identifier Yes 0..1
IssueDate IssueDate Date Yes 1
IssueTime IssueTime Time Bilateral 0..1
InvoiceTypeCode InvoiceTypeCode Code Yes 0..1
Note Note Text Yes 0..n
TaxPointDate TaxPointDate Date Bilateral 0..1
DocumentCurrencyCode DocumentCurrencyCode Code Yes 1
TaxCurrencyCode TaxCurrencyCode Code Yes 0..1
PricingCurrencyCode PricingCurrencyCode Code Yes 0..1
PaymentCurrencyCode PaymentCurrencyCode Code Yes 0..1
PaymentAlternativeCurrencyCode PaymentAlternativeCurrencyCode Code Yes 0..1
AccountingCostCode AccountingCostCode Code Bilateral 0..1
AccountingCost AccountingCost Text Yes 0..1
LineCountNumeric LineCountNumeric Numeric Bilateral 0..1

Subclasses in class Invoice

UBL-Name Name Usage Cardinality Reference to the printed documentation See also
UBLExtensions UBLExtensions Bilateral 0..1   OIOUBL_GUIDE_EXTENSION
InvoicePeriod InvoicePeriod Yes 0..1 Common Library, 3.78  
OrderReference OrderReference Yes 0..1 3.2  
BillingReference BillingReference Yes 0..n 3.3  
DespatchDocumentReference DespatchDocumentReference Bilateral 0..n 3.4 OIOUBL_GUIDE_DOCUMENTREF
ReceiptDocumentReference ReceiptDocumentReference Bilateral 0..n 3.5 OIOUBL_GUIDE_DOCUMENTREF
OriginatorDocumentReference OriginatorDocumentReference Bilateral 0..n 3.6 OIOUBL_GUIDE_DOCUMENTREF
ContractDocumentReference ContractDocumentReference Yes 0..1 3.7 OIOUBL_GUIDE_DOCUMENTREF
AdditionalDocumentReference AdditionalDocumentReference Yes 0..n Common Library, 3.36 OIOUBL_GUIDE_DOCUMENTREF
Signature Signature Yes 0..n Common Library, 3.96 OIOUBL_GUIDE_SIGNATURE
AccountingSupplierParty AccountingSupplierParty Yes 1 3.8  
AccountingCustomerParty AccountingCustomerParty Yes 1 3.9  
PayeeParty PayeeParty Yes 0..1 3.10 OIOUBL_GUIDE_PARTIES
BuyerCustomerParty BuyerCustomerParty Yes 0..1 3.11  
SellerSupplierParty SellerSupplierParty Yes 0..1 3.12  
Delivery Delivery Yes 0..n 3.13 OIOUBL_GUIDE_DELIVERY
DeliveryTerms DeliveryTerms Yes 0..1 3.14 OIOUBL_GUIDE_DELIVERYTERMS
PaymentMeans PaymentMeans Yes 0..n Common Library, 3.76 OIOUBL_GUIDE_PAYMENT
PaymentTerms PaymentTerms Yes 0..n Common Library, 3.77 OIOUBL_GUIDE_PAYMENT
PrepaidPayment PrepaidPayment Yes 0..n Common Library, 3.75  
AllowanceCharge AllowanceCharge Yes 0..n Common Library, 3.4 OIOUBL_GUIDE_ALLOWANCE
TaxExchangeRate TaxExchangeRate Yes 0..1 3.15 OIOUBL_GUIDE_CURRENCY
PricingExchangeRate PricingExchangeRate Yes 0..1 3.16 OIOUBL_GUIDE_CURRENCY
PaymentExchangeRate PaymentExchangeRate Yes 0..1 3.17 OIOUBL_GUIDE_CURRENCY
PaymentAlternativeExchangeRate PaymentAlternativeExchangeRate Yes 0..1 3.18 OIOUBL_GUIDE_CURRENCY
TaxTotal TaxTotal Yes 1..n Common Library, 3.104 OIOUBL_GUIDE_TAX
LegalMonetaryTotal LegalMonetaryTotal Yes 1 Common Library, 3.64 OIOUBL_GUIDE_TOTALS
InvoiceLine InvoiceLine Yes 1..n 3.19  

Excluded classes and fields in Invoice

Name Name Type
TaxRepresentativeParty TaxRepresentativeParty Class


<Invoice >
<cbc:ProfileID schemeDataURI="urn:oioubl:id:profileid-1.0">Procurement-OrdSimR-BilSim-1.0</cbc:ProfileID>
<cbc:InvoiceTypeCode listURI="urn:oioubl:codelist:invoicetypecode-1.0">380</cbc:InvoiceTypeCode>
<cbc:Note>Note til dokumentet</cbc:Note>
+ <cac:InvoicePeriod />
+ <cac:OrderReference />
+ <cac:ContractDocumentReference />
+ <cac:AdditionalDocumentReference />
+ <cac:Signature />
+ <cac:AccountingSupplierParty />
+ <cac:AccountingCustomerParty />
+ <cac:PayeeParty />
+ <cac:BuyerCustomerParty />
+ <cac:SellerSupplierParty />
+ <cac:Delivery />
+ <cac:DeliveryTerms />
+ <cac:PaymentMeans />
+ <cac:PaymentMeans />
+ <cac:PaymentMeans />
+ <cac:PaymentMeans />
+ <cac:PaymentMeans />
+ <cac:PaymentMeans />
+ <cac:PaymentMeans />
+ <cac:PaymentTerms />
+ <cac:PrepaidPayment />
+ <cac:AllowanceCharge />
+ <cac:TaxExchangeRate />
+ <cac:PricingExchangeRate />
+ <cac:PaymentExchangeRate />
+ <cac:PaymentAlternativeExchangeRate />
+ <cac:TaxTotal />
+ <cac:TaxTotal />
+ <cac:LegalMonetaryTotal />
+ <cac:InvoiceLine />