Online OIOUBL Dokumentation



ApplicationResponse specification

Name ApplicationResponse (Show as PDF) Alternative Term Reference to OIOUBL Guideline Packages Description, ApplicationResponse
Definition OIOUBL ApplicationResponse is a document for the exchange of electronic receipts for processing electronic OIOUBL documents. The document is used for business receipts as well as technical receipts. ApplicationResponse is exchanged between SenderParty and ReceiverParty. See also [G23] for a more detailed description of parties. Applicationresponse is structured to meet the formal demands to a valid receipt for processing an electronical OIOUBL document. Applicationresponse must contain EndPointID and a personal reference for the receiver, a reference to the related document and a response code. It also has to meet the demands in this document guideline. EndPointID is used to identify the "electronic mailbox" where the electronic document is to be delivered and also provides the basis for routing the message. PersonReference is used to identify the person responsible for procesing the received electronic document. Documentreference is used to identify the document related to ApplicationResponse. ResponseCode is used for indicating the kind of receipt issued. Please read more about the use of ApplicationResponse in [G35].


UBL-Name Name Datatype Usage Cardinality
UBLVersionID UBLVersionID Identifier Yes 1
CustomizationID CustomizationID Identifier Yes 1
ProfileID ProfileID Identifier Yes 1
ID ID Identifier Yes 1
UUID UUID Identifier Yes 0..1
IssueDate IssueDate Date Yes 1
IssueTime IssueTime Time Bilateral 0..1
ResponseDate ResponseDate Date Bilateral 0..1
ResponseTime ResponseTime Time Bilateral 0..1
Note Note Text Yes 0..n
VersionID VersionID Identifier Bilateral 0..1

Subclasses in class ApplicationResponse

UBL-Name Name Usage Cardinality Reference to the printed documentation See also
UBLExtensions UBLExtensions Bilateral 0..1   OIOUBL_GUIDE_EXTENSION
Signature Signature Yes 0..n Common Library, 3.96 OIOUBL_GUIDE_SIGNATURE
SenderParty SenderParty Yes 1 3.1 OIOUBL_GUIDE_PARTIES
ReceiverParty ReceiverParty Yes 1 3.2 OIOUBL_GUIDE_PARTIES
DocumentResponse DocumentResponse Yes 1 3.3  


<ApplicationResponse >
<cbc:ProfileID schemeDataURI="urn:oioubl:id:profileid-1.0">Procurement-OrdSimR-BilSim-1.0</cbc:ProfileID>
+ <cac:SenderParty />
+ <cac:ReceiverParty />
+ <cac:DocumentResponse />