TaxTotal specification
Name |
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Alternative Term |
Definition |
Information about a total amount of a particular type of tax |
UBL-Name |
Name |
Datatype |
Usage |
Cardinality |
TaxAmount |
TaxAmount |
Yes |
1 |
Definition |
The total tax amount for a tax type; the sum of each of the Tax Sub Totals for each Tax Category within the Tax Type |
Legal values |
>0, 2 decimals |
Example |
1562.40 |
RoundingAmount |
RoundingAmount |
Yes |
0..1 |
Definition |
The rounding amount (positive or negative) added to the calculated tax total to produce the rounded TotalTaxAmount |
Businessrules |
TaxAmount is always with two decimals. Not used in |
Example |
0.005 |
TaxEvidenceIndicator |
TaxEvidenceIndicator |
Bilateral |
0..1 |
Definition |
An indicator as to whether these totals are recognized as legal evidence for taxation purposes. |
Businessrules |
Can only be used if bilateral agreed. Default value is true. Can only be false if proforma documents. |
Subclasses in class TaxTotal
UBL-Name |
Name |
Usage |
Cardinality |
Reference to the printed documentation |
See also |
TaxSubtotal |
TaxSubtotal |
Yes |
0..n |
Definition |
An association to Tax Sub Total |
Datatype |
Example<cac:TaxTotal >
<cbc:TaxAmount currencyID="DKK" >1250.00</cbc:TaxAmount>
+ <cac:TaxSubtotal />