Online OIOUBL Dokumentation



OrderChange.QuotationDocumentReference.Attachment specification

Name OrderChange.QuotationDocumentReference.Attachment (Show as PDF) Alternative Term  
Definition Oplysninger om et bilag. Der kan refereres til et bilag eksternt (med elementet URI), internt (med referenceelementet MIME) eller i selve dokumentet (med elementet IndlejretDokument).


UBL-Name Name Datatype Usage Cardinality
EmbeddedDocumentBinaryObject EmbeddedDocumentBinaryObject Binary Object Bilateral 0..1

Subclasses in class OrderChange.QuotationDocumentReference.Attachment

UBL-Name Name Usage Cardinality Reference to the printed documentation See also
ExternalReference ExternalReference Bilateral 0..1 Common Library, 3.41