Online OIOUBL Dokumentation



CatalogueDeletion specification

Name CatalogueDeletion (Show as PDF) Alternative Term  


UBL-Name Name Datatype Usage Cardinality
UBLVersionID UBLVersionID Identifier Yes 1
CustomizationID CustomizationID Identifier Yes 1
ProfileID ProfileID Identifier Yes 1
ID ID Identifier Yes 1
UUID UUID Identifier Yes 0..1
Name Name Name Yes 0..1
IssueDate IssueDate Date Yes 1
IssueTime IssueTime Time Bilateral 0..1
Note Note Text Yes 0..n
VersionID VersionID Identifier Yes 0..1
Description Description Text Yes 0..n

Subclasses in class CatalogueDeletion

UBL-Name Name Usage Cardinality Reference to the printed documentation See also
UBLExtensions UBLExtensions Bilateral 0..1   OIOUBL_GUIDE_EXTENSION
ValidityPeriod ValidityPeriod Bilateral 0..1 Common Library, 3.78 OIOUBL_GUIDE_CATALOGUE_ID
DeletedCatalogueReference DeletedCatalogueReference Yes 1 3.2  
ReferencedContract ReferencedContract Bilateral 0..1 3.3  
Signature Signature Yes 0..n Common Library, 3.96  
ReceiverParty ReceiverParty Yes 1 3.4 OIOUBL_GUIDE_CATALOGUE_PARTIES
ProviderParty ProviderParty Yes 1 3.5 OIOUBL_GUIDE_CATALOGUE_PARTIES
SellerSupplierParty SellerSupplierParty Yes 0..1 Common Library, 3.100 OIOUBL_GUIDE_CATALOGUE_PARTIES
ContractorCustomerParty ContractorCustomerParty Yes 0..1 Common Library, 3.27 OIOUBL_GUIDE_CATALOGUE_PARTIES


<CatalogueDeletion >
<cbc:ProfileID schemeDataURI="urn:oioubl:id:profileid-1.0">Catalogue-CatAdv-1.0</cbc:ProfileID>
+ <cac:DeletedCatalogueReference />
+ <cac:ReceiverParty />
+ <cac:ProviderParty />